Questions for #EdensZero fans!! qrt with your answers!đź’›

(insipired by this thread by @uwucliffeđź’›

Link here:
When and how did you discover Edens Zero?
Favourite EZ character? Why?
Favorite Ether Gear? Why?
Favorite Overdrive? Why?
Favorite EZ chapter? Why?
EZ character that you would like to see more often?
What past of a EZ character did you like the most? (Of those that have been shown)
Do you have any theories about the continuation of the EZ story?
Favorite Space Battleship in EZ?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much hype are you for anime and video games of EZ?
Favorite EZ ship? Why?
Favorite EZ brotp? Why?
Favorite Shining Star? Why?
Favorite EZ villain?
What ending would you like for EZ?
Which character do you empathize most with in EZ?
Are you in the Pinobecca Cult,right?
Favorite EZ Arc? Why?
Favorite Planet?
Which plot twist shocked you the most in EZ? (Of the ones we know)
Which character do you think could die in the EZ story?
You can only choose one EZ character to be best friends with. Which?
Which Ether Gear would you like to have?
Which character would you like good to turn bad? or bad to good?
(or to still be a "grey" character?)
Do you find the story too heavy or have you got used to the dark themes of it by now?
Have you also read other stories by Hiro Mashima?
Did you believe in Cap Connor's supremacy, right?
Do you think the EZ crew will come to the Mother or not?
How did you feel about Hero's?
It has been revealed that Xiaomei will play an important role in the plot (especially her past) in the future, what do you think about it?
Something similar to that of Xiaomei has also been said for Pino, what do you think of this too?
Mashima in Edens Zero also wants to deal with love, how does that make you feel? Is this good or bad for you?
What would you like to see more, at the plot level, in Edens zero?
Have you ever done any fan art on Edens Zero?
Feel free to share them!
Have you ever done any fanfictions on Edens Zero?
Feel free to share them!
Have you ever done any colors on Edens Zero?
Feel free to share them!
How do you feel about EZ fandom? Do you like being on it or not?
Which character do you like least in EZ?
Which chapter do you like least in EZ?
Tell me something that might take away your "EZ fandom member card."
Pino or Happy?
Which song do you associate with a EZ character / Ship? Why?
Would you ever do an EZ cosplay? Which character would you do?
This is the last question but it is the most important.

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