❀ thread of soft questions ❀
because the world is a mess and we need to remember to breathe.

feel free to skip around, ignore some, answer others twice, whatever. the universe is yours.
1. what song do you think describes you ?
2. if you were to make a playlist as your life soundtrack, what would be on it?
3. following the last question, what would you title it?
4. do you have a favorite color?
5. favorite time of year?
6. do you like the smell of rain? fresh cut grass? a crackling bonfire?
7. what season has the best sunsets?
8. did you drink water today?
9. have you smiled?
10. what is your zodiac sign (or your main three)? do you relate to them?
11. is there a scent that reminds you of home?
12. do you have a favorite scent?
13. what do you want to be remembered for?
14. do you miss anyone right now?
15. take a moment to breathe in for 4 seconds. hold it for 7. breathe out, slowly, for 8.

did you feel a weight lift? do you feel better?
16. if you were a flower, what would you be? (if you want me to tell you what that flower means; feel free to add that! i study the victorian language of flowers)
17. and if you were a tree, is there one that calls to you?
18. favorite constellation?
19. were you a percy jackson kid? if yes, who's cabin were you in?
20. harry potter? if yes, what house?
21. twilight? hunger games?
22. do you have a favorite tea?
23. how do you feel about poetry?
24. is there a poem that resonates with you?
25. song lyrics that you adore?
26. your most beautiful memory?
27. your happiest memory?
28. are you happy?
29. do you know that you matter more than you realize?

your every laugh, your kindness, your life means something. there will be days that it’s hard to remember that, but I hope that they’re far and few.

keep breathing. keep smiling. there will always be a sunrise.
thank you for doing this thread! you are so loved . ♡
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