Larry short story
~A Thread~
"SHIT!" L groaned, he just dumped a tea spoon of vanilla instead of a table spoon, he wasn't used to these stupid American measurements. "It's ok, we can fix this, we can always add more, right?" said H who was trying to help L bake a cake. +
he suggested American measurements because he thought it would be fun, he didn't really think it through, L obviously didn't think it was time for experimenting. the next thing to do was put 4 cups of flour in the bowl, that should be easy enough. +
H went to go grab the flour, it was on the top shelf so L couldn't reach it. H handed the bag to L, and L dug the scoop into the white powder. H must be crazy because he decided it would be a good time to try and tickle L causing him to spill the flour all over the place +
"oops" said H covered in flour. L turned around, about to yell at H, but he could never stay mad for long, he grabbed H's Flour covered face, pressed their noses together, looked in his amazingly green eyes and giggled out a "hi" and kissed H+
pressing his flour covered lips to his own. "ok, back to the cake, I want to get this done" said L turning back around, and going back to the mixing bowl and half empty bag of flour. "ok lou, you got this" said H knowing the cake wouldn't be amazing but he was proud of L anyways.
lol I may or may not be crying (happy tears)
lmk if you liked it :)
love you all the most <333
~End of Thread~
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