One of the absolute most POWERFUL skills to master.

Why? It literally changes your reality or at least your perception of reality.


What is cognitive reframing?

Simply put, it's a psychological technique which helps you identify, challenge and eventually change

the way you look at certain situations, experiences, ideas, and the world in general
Most people have 0 control over their thought patterns or emotional responses

Why? They're simply not aware that they're even happening!

And because they're not aware it's happening, they never question it

And rightly so, as most of these form in early childhood
Each time you have one of these negative beliefs, (and don't attempt to change it)

it becomes stronger and stronger

until this negative belief becomes a CORE BELIEF

Core beliefs are hard as fuck to kill but can be done with proper consistency and intention
Some examples of negative core beliefs:

"I'm stupid"

"Money is hard to come by"

"The world is a bad place"

"I'm just not an energetic person"

"I'm not a happy person"

the list goes on and on
So what if I have these beliefs. They're just in my mind right? Doesn't change anything about my life.


These beliefs literally can determine your life

They actually impact most of your decisions behind the scenes
Following me so far? if you're lost let me give you a brief summary

You have 1 negative belief -> that negative belief x 1000 -> becomes a core belief -> directly impacts your behavior -> can prevent you from being successful/happy
A practical example:

Growing up poor > no money > leads you to believe money is scarce/hard to come by

Leads you to penny pinch and put money on a pedestal > makes you refrain from taking risks that can make you lose money

Thus you never end up making a lot of money
Another example:

Bad teacher in early education calls you out in front of your class > gets made fun of constantly > makes you feel stupid

You ruminate on that long enough and eventually end up believing you're stupid

Your self-confidence = shattered

You get the gist of it
So how do you get rid of these beliefs?

It's simple.

Note: I said simple, NOT easy

I hate platitudes and generic advice, so I'm going to give a practical guide that's empirically supported to help you change these mf negative core beliefs
Step 1: Become AWARE of these beliefs

You can't change something if you don't even realize it requires changing

So how do I become aware of these beliefs?

For starters: meditation, journaling, thinking your thoughts out loud
Step 2: QUESTION your beliefs using Socratic Questioning

1) Why am I having this thought?
2) Is this thought realistic?
3) Am I basing my thoughts on facts or on feelings?
4) What is the evidence for this thought?
5) Could I be misinterpreting the evidence?

Things never work out when you just think about them.

Write down your answers so you can literally SEE what's going on in that clusterfuck you call your mind
Step 4: Write Down the "Fors" and "Against' your Beliefs

Write down the evidence supporting your negative beliefs in 1 column

Write down the evidence disproving your negative beliefs in another column
Step 5: Write the Opposite of the Belief You're Challenging

Once you compare your evidence

You'll see that your belief is not usually not well thought out

Write down the opposite belief beside it

I am stupid > I am intelligence

Money is hard to get > money is easy to get

Affirm your new belief every day.

10-20 times in the morning, 10-20 times right before you fall asleep

For best results, literally do it as much as possible - write it down, say it out loud, override your thinking with it

Thank me later
Soon enough, you'll have eliminated those pesky limiting core beliefs, and you'll be able to live your life the way you really want

BONUS: you learn to become more aware of your thought patterns (as a result of meditating/writing shit down

this has its own set of benefits
If you're more interested in this kind of 'crushing self-beliefs' type of content

I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you give @OneJKMolina a follow and check out his book "The Day You Become Stronger"

Great read, will likely change your life
You can follow @agencybushido.
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