RE: Chris Lee leaving 343 #HaloInfinite

I've had the pleasure of meeting Chris. He's an awesome, passionate guy, so this is really sad news.

Something that's going to get lost in the discourse is all he's done to get the game this far, and all he's done for Halo since ODST.
Internal changes and restructuring are easy fodder for doom and gloom, when the reality is that these things generally happen to optimise production and get the game shipped.

Without visibility on actual concrete info, folks are too willing to get worked up over speculation.
There's probably a kernel of truth in there, from a certain point of view, but 'insider' scoops like these are painted in hyper-negative terms because that's what generates news cycles. Worth remembering that before declaring the end times and we won't see Infinite until 2022.
The game was originally going to ship in two weeks. This isn't some massive restructuring that's going to CHANGE EVERYTHING, Lee's been directing this project since taking over from Holmes in 2016.

I'm pretty confident we're closer to the finish line than some people think.
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