Happy Ace Week! This week we celebrate everyone on the Aspec (or the Asexual and Aromantic Spectrum).
No matter where you may be on the Ace Spectrum, you are a valid and loved part of the LGBTQA+ community. Have a great rest of your week everyone!
Fun facts! The Asexual flag was created on June 20th, 2010 by a member of the Asexual Visibility and Education Network as part of a contest. The Aromantic flag was created by a Tumblr user named cameronwhimsy from Australia on February 7, 2014. (Source: University of Colorado)
Also, here are the definitions for Asexual (Ace) and Aromantic (Aro):
Aro: Someone who does not experience romantic attraction, or does so in a significantly different way than is traditionally thought of.
Ace: The lack of sexual attraction to all genders.
It is important to keep in mind that sexual attraction and romantic attraction are different. Someone can identify as multiple things, including for example - lesbian/bi/gay/pan as well as ace. Someone can feel romantic attraction but not feel sexual attraction, and vice versa.
What do the colors on the Asexual flag mean?
Black: Asexuality
Grey: Grey-asexuality and demi-sexuality
White: Non-asexual partners and allies
Purple: Community
What do the colors on the Aromantic flag mean?
Dark Green: Aromanticism.
Light Green: Represents the aromantic spectrum.
White: Represents platonic and aesthetic attraction.
Grey: Represents grey-aromantic and demiromantic people.
Black: Represents the sexuality spectrum.
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