tbh I was burnt out in 2018 from all the work I was doing in Social Justice spaces I really just needed an escape bc of how my mental health was just not doing great. Working in white majority spaces talking about Racism, White supremacy is not fun https://twitter.com/MicheBangtan/status/1321500341603545089
its taxing, exhausting, and is why its important to do self-care when you're constantly reading about how your existence deems you in an oppressive system and you feel stuck after awhile and don't see radical change.
So when I found BTS it was the only thing that really brought back some type of joy in my life, because I really didn't have anything that did it. Their music, music videos lyrics, BTS Run episodes, funny compilations just brought me a type of joy that I really didn't know about
I made it a point to not talk about social justice, racism etc. because I really thought I could escape it but I'm still a black woman everywhere I go, and there's no way to really escape the realities of that. I thought I could lol
but I really stan a group that made their whole concept about fighting discrimination and all type of oppression and has literally the most diverse fandom in the world. And has made it a point to always be loud about the racism that BTS faces in the western industry
it's really hard to not be aware since again, we have people from across the globe with different sexualities, genders, religions, races etc. its just impossible at this point, and I do believe that we have been doing much better than other fandoms about being loud
about the fact that we are people before our fandom. And calling out racism, islamphobia, homophobia etc. in our own fandom and have made also a point to never tolerate shit like that no matter what.
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