Jimin leaving comedians jobless. A much needed thread:
It would be a sin If I don't start the thread with jimin's iconic lajimolala like this is the funniest thing he ever did
when jungkook made a big heart with the gas gun thingy and jimin just went to make it look like A FART 😂😭 BRO CHIL
Now let me get on with him literally making up excuses right under noses
Never forget what jimin did here, my stomach still hurts laughing over this
When he did this on bon voyage , it was THE IT FOR me😭
This whole conversition oh my lord
jimin getting angry at yoongi when he said that he has the shortest arms in bts also telling him to watch his words im wheezing 😭
Im sorry this photo sequence SHOULD I JUST CRY OR LAUGH OR BOTH
That time when Jimin said that DJ khaled looks like bang pd I still think LMAOOOO
Ending this thread with the fact that he literally got an award from yoongi himself FOR BEING FUNNY WHICH STILL SENDS
And follow me ill be a good friend! <3👉👈💓💓
omg this got some attention so here I got you our BE comeback goals! And Ot7 missers follow me, ill make you smile lots💓👉👈
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