It’s very odd how folks seek your authority and still have a deep contempt for you. It leaks constantly. There’s a very specific kind of anti-blackness reserved for black authority that’s a mix of envy, contempt AND admiration, the ambivalence is real.
Actually, in my research I found gifted & talented black children really experienced the most abject racism & racial trauma. I had never before really put 2 and 2 together. All seems incidental until you speak to other black ppl.
My stomach turned when I realised clever black kids are a vulnerable group. I remember this moment. Then I stared to re-think much talent is being lost through school discipline & bullying but also...
Wether many black kids somehow pick this up, unconsciously and act ‘silly’ to keep safe. Play the clown to survive you know ‘paying dumb’ was a survival strategies on plantation? Shit is deep.
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