I honestly hate politics & the media & how it divides people. Bc essentially the division isnt between you & me. Its between us & “them”.
Like the government isnt some anonymous entity that is for the benefit of the people. Even tho thats LITERALLY what they tell you. Theres people you never see or heard of pulling strings through networking & that shit will never change no matter who is in office, clearly.
Like if democracy in this country were real how come the other political parties dont get the same news?😩
Maybe its bc red&blue are one in the same. Maybe they dont want you to notice the other parties bc the same powerful entity backs both red & blue.
When i see entity i mean an extensive network of powerful people, that have legacies & wont give that up for anyone. They rather us not have legacies, so they can uphold theirs.
Me not voting isnt going to change the system, you voting isnt going to change the system. This shit is so complicated. Its like a spiderweb & we are not the spider lol whoever created the system (rockefellers, morgans, the royals=same powerful entity) wants u stuck in it
Spiders literally suck all the life force out of whatever gets stuck in their web.
Theres a reason why all the big cities & urban areas where most of the people need to work their asses off to survive resemble ant colonies & bee hives.
If the government actually cared for you & your vote theyd make it a little more obvious & would pump all those taxes you pay back into your community, but it literally doesnt. & never will.
You need to create your own legacy. Whatever that means to you. You need to have purpose & add value to something real.
Our entire indoctrination turned us from “made in gods image” to “worker bees”. Fucking wild. Every institution looks the same: jails, schools, hospitals, corporate offices. Little tiny cells, of one big machine. If we do most of the work why dont we get most of the pie?
Why dont Trump or Biden promise to give you the pie. They keep throwing stimulus checks & proposing tax plans that will never pass to give you a taste of what youre missing out on, just to keep you motivated. Shit is right in front of your face.
Most governments treat their people like shit i stg. Its stupid & unnatural. Nothing real about this matrix, except for me & you. Thats why you need to build your own legacy w your own people, your own community.
Capitalism makes you think you are in this shit alone, & to backstab people to get ahead. Thats division. We need to look out for our own. Period.
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