"You're f**ing crazy to ride with a kid." White dude driving an SUV who had to yield momentarily as I tried to cross the Beacon Hill Greenway at College Street today.

Seattle liberals who consider themselves environmentalists because they drive to REI on their weekends can STFU
This is my route, that includes lots of additional steep hills to minimize car interactions. I could avoid these if I could ride on Rainier, LWB, Beacon or 15th. But all of these have too much traffic & no bike lanes. So I go the slower, harder route to avoid asshats like this.
It's time to call out people who have choices but choose to drive. Your choice to drive is causing climate change, causing air pollution that kills and sickens BIPOC & low income people, creates demand for the police state through traffic enforcement, & results in our electeds
...prioritizing auto-mobility over all other forms of transportation in infrastructure investments, making driving a car the easiest and most pleasant way to get around.

Take the bus. Walk. Roll. Bike. You're the irrational one for insisting on driving your SUV around town.
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