My therapist recently recommended to me the book, The Deepest Well. I just started reading, but in the beginning the author, a physician, explains that those who have experienced childhood adversity are much more likely to have significant health problems.
For instance, those who have experienced just 2 out of the 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences have 2x the chance of suffering from an autoimmune disease in their lifetime.
This hit home for me because my mother, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, suffered from an autoimmune, Addison’s disease. Due to the disease she was immunocompromised, and later, in combination with the flu, it caused her death at just 54.
She never went to therapy. She didn’t even tell anyone about the abuse until she was much older because she was so ashamed. By then, it was too late, as she began suffering from Addison’s in her early 20s.
Several years before reading the book, I came to the realization that it was really her abuser who took her life, as the abuse caused her adrenal glands to overwork and give out. Now, after having my realization confirmed by a Stanford trained Dr., I know I have to share.
I’m writing this to say, if you have suffered from an Adverse Childhood Experience, please get help. Your life may depend on it in more ways than you realize, beyond just emotional health. If this thread speaks to you, I hope you will reach out to a therapist.
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