A “sweet” Vagina is an unhealthy vagina. A normal healthy vagina has no strong sweet odour.

Except the “sweet” is figurative,
A vagina with strong sweet odour is a vagina overgrown with yeast infection.

Be careful what you wish for.
If your vagina is “sweet”.
Na yeast full am.
Now that you guys are here,
Let’s learn a few things about Vagina odours.

Vagina odour mainly comes from the vagina discharge and the vagina.

A normal healthy vagina is mostly odourless (or very mild nonfoul smell), not itchy, no abnormal discharge and has no foul/strong smell.
A fishy/fish-like vagina odour is abnormal. It points to Bacteria Vaginosis (an infection). Please speak with a doctor and get it treated.

A very strong sweet odour points to yeast. It can smell like honey, cake, puffpuff. Don’t get carried away. Na yeast be that. Pls treat it.
Let me add that with yeast infection, you also get thick whitish creamy clumps of vagina discharge. Please brothers and sisters, that’s not WAP. That’s yeast.

Don’t see a very strong sweet vagina smell and think you are “sweet in the middle”, that na yeast. Pls kindly treat it.
If the vagina odour smells metallic or like copper, that signifies blood. That’s not abnormal. There’s an explanation.

It can smell that way during your period; or after a rough sex and you are bruised (means you have bled a little). It means do more foreplay and use lubricant.
If the vagina smells strongly like bleach/ammonia, that points to urine. (Ammonia is a product of urine).

It may mean your underwear has urine stains and you should change it. Or it may mean bacteria vaginosis as above (which tends to cause strong fish smell mostly after sex).
If vagina has a rotten foul smell, like something dead or decaying, it means you have forgotten to change your tampons, your pads or your panties.

Something has done overtime in that vagina area and it need to leave. But it’s mostly tampon left for days or pads worn for days.
Let me mention that vagina smells can change- sometimes due to ovulation, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause.

It doesn’t mean it’s not healthy- as long as it not a strong foul smell. Any very strong foul smell especially with itching points to an infection or problem somewhere.
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