Jack Dorsey shouldn't have to explain to Congress what he does with his company any more than you should explain who you invite into your living room or where you drive your car.
Then Twitter won't exist. Is that the victory you want? https://twitter.com/bonchieredstate/status/1321477493128417281
If my phone service company was liable for anything I say on their lines they'd be obligated to listen and censor/edit what I'm saying before it gets to anyone or they wouldn't be in operation at all. https://twitter.com/JohanNavigator/status/1321478432421761031
Only 22% of Americans use Twitter. They are not the bottleneck to communication that it's made out to be comparable to phone lines. https://twitter.com/NBurdens/status/1321482331958304768
Keep in mind also that regulation is only going to cement Twitter and Facebook's standing among social media venues and stifle competitors. Since they'll be the ones with the means to navigate them, if not have a hand in crafting them.
People want a Fairness Doctrine 2.0 right after they won repealing Fairness Doctrine 1.0.
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