analyzing the lore behind the five nights at freddys animatronics: ❌🤮🖕

analyzing the lore behind the nick lutsko spirit halloween animatronics: ✅🧠🤩👍
the jeff bezos mannequin has a connection to the man in the stairs, as proven by the theme for spirit halloween. and the sequel to the theme for spirit halloween establishes that the jeff bezos mannequin holds some control over the animatronics.
it seems as if the man in the stairs is unable to leave grandma's basement, so he possibly ordered the jeff bezos mannequin to trap nick in there.
grandma seems to know the most about the man in the stairs. she tells nick not to go down to the basement during the RNC, and nick is confident that she would know what to do in spirit halloween 2. perhaps she is responsible for sealing the man in the stairs to her basement?
OK NOW THAT THIS THREAD IS GETTING ATTENTION ILL ADD TO IT WITH MY NEWER THOUGHTS so you know when nick sang "who invited this guy to my house?" i think grandmas house might have some protection spell placed on it that makes vampire rules apply to everyone who wants to enter
however nick "didnt think it through" that one of the animatronics would be able to invite the jeff bezos mannequin inside. perhaps it was the scarecrow who was already getting on nicks nerves
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