yesterday i posted a video about the election, who im voting for etc. just to put out it here; im voting for Biden (no surprises there). but i think Trump is going to win. i hope im wrong but i thats what i think. THREAD
i think enthusiasm is an under-appreciated metric and Trump supporter's enthusiasm is dominant. i also think there is a huge contingent of closeted trump supporters (there are a bunch in my family for example) they dont talk about it, post about it, put up signs but they do vote
i hope Trump loses. i do not want him in office. i think he is bad for this country but i am still wildly skeptical of any polls or assertions that think they can predict the outcome of this election that is still 6 days away.
typically i try to refrain from posting too much about politics on twitter. i have no problems with politics on twitter - if you look at who i follow you'll find a lot of journalists (conservative+liberal), news outlets and politicians. but personally i why i love twitter...
in short; twitter makes me happiest, feels most meaningful, when i use it to connect/share with with people who have similar interests. some i know irl, some i know only from twitter and some total strangers. i like the interaction.
when i do want to see what going on with news or politics i can - its right there in my feed but ive found it mostly unproductive to engage. for me it almost always leads to frustration and confusion and sometimes, if im not careful, anger.
if im going to invest myself like that i prefer to do it in an environment where it feels i can be heard and i can hear others. i think twitter tries to do that but ultimately if there are opposing view points its just ends in a shit-show.
twitter remains my favortire social media platform (youtube notwithstanding). because its a great way for me to connect with people that i otherwise wouldnt. i do wish it did more to help others with bullying etc though (im lucky to not experiennce too much of this)
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