CW: abuse, suicide

Threatening suicide is a common manipulation method of abusers.
One of the most common calls at women's shelters is abusers trying to contact their victims to threaten suicide, to force their victims in a position to talk them down.
This is done so A. the abuser can recieve narcissistic supply from their victim(focused attention), and B. to skirt responsibility for their abusive actions.
The abuser's goal is continued influence and control of their victim. Suicide threats, sitting in parking lots with a cellphone and a gun, dramatic outbursts of self-hate, is meant to control and manipulate.

It's an emotional tamtrum.
I'm not saying that abusers aren't sometimes actually suicidal, I'm saying even if they are their choice to harm themselves is NOT their victim's fault. Other people's emotions are not your responsibility.
It is not your job to regulate the moods of your abuser.
But, that's what abusers do. They take no responsibility for their own actions and emotions. They are so emotionally dull that they need other people to arouse emotions in them and to regulate those same emotions for them.
That's not your job. You are not responsible for their choices.

So as people use suicidal tendencies to inspire sympathy for an accused abuser, know that they basically are describing that person abusing others and don't recognize it.
Final note:
Abusers are actually offended that you are holding them accountable, btw. They feel entitled to act without consequences.

So, like every entitled brat, they tantrum, and sometimes the "suicide threat" is in their toolbox of manipulation tactics.
Again, it's not your fault if they fo hurt themselves. You are never responsible for others choices and feelings. The whole aim of abusers is to make other people responsible for them.
Final final note: If you have ever threatened suicide in rage at someone you love, please consider apologizing. No matter how you were feeling, that wasn't fair or right of you to do. It was abusive.
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