@Mark_Sisson @KeithNorris @PaulChek @TheAlanAragon
Body Size, a question thread: -
1. I'm curious if there is any research and/or discourse about variations in body size/length needing different exercise protocols?
2. Someone 6'2 has different sized muscles than someone 5'7
3. Intensity not in question here, but what about length of exercise time or TUL even?

4. I've come to experience that volume of food intake for someone 6'2 vs 5'7 for sure is and needs to be different. Have seen hardly any discussion about this
5. Could the "workload" of exercise just like nutrition result in "negative" effects if not adjusted for body size differential?

With much respect and gratitude for all of you, I've learned a great deal from the generous sharing of your experiences.
This question has simply been rattling around my cage for a while now. Thank you in advance for any insight or sources you can point me to. #lifelive #gratitude
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