(🌕) Bartomeu, Former President, and Carles Tusquets, who is in charge of the club until elections, had met for 3 hours at the club's offices today. In the meeting, Bartomeu has put Tusquets up to date on the club's situation before his resignation. @ffpolo #FCB 🚨🤝

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Special importance was given to the negotiations with the players and workers regarding a salary reduction. Now the club has 2 open negotiations: one with the players and one with the ordinary workers, which must be closed by November 5th. @ffpolo #FCB 🚨💰
Another hot topic on the table was the agreement to join the European Super League as announced yesterday by Bartomeu. An agreement of a great economic outing. @ffpolo #FCB 🚨
And obviously, the topic of elections was discussed, for which Tusquets has between 40 days and 3 months to set the dates. Everything can be conditioned by the evolution of the pandemic. @ffpolo #FCB 🚨⏳🗳
End of thread. 🤝
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