One of my roles in a group is to encourage people to make money. Especially highly ethical people for whom money making is borderline kinky.
I also encourage you to make banana cake, which combines the good parts of both bananas and cake.
Generic money advice:

1. Don't ask 'how do I make people pay me?' ask 'how do I let people pay me?' (this is from @amandapalmer)

e.g. I earned $2500 from this tweet about a half-finished book because people wanted to pay me for something
2. what is the easiest thing you can try? what's the smallest number of steps between where you are now and where someone else has a chance to pay you for something?

do that now, stop thinking and just do that. you are thinking too much.
3. you probably have psychological issues about money that will cost you so long as they are unexamined
4. give away as much as you can for free, earn a reputation for generosity
5. do it with friends. set personal goals and have an accountabilibuddy to check in with regularly
6. revenue from sales is infinitely cooler than other kinds of money e.g. donations, investment, debt, grants, or wages
7. this thread earned me $30 in the last hour. I repeat my conjecture that you are probably thinking too much and testing too little.
8. find business peers and mentors who share some of your values and life experiences

they can be hard to find if you are not doing "business as usual", but networks for ethical business do exist eg:

Zebras Unite
Cooperation Jackson
New Economy NYC
Coops UK
Happy Startup etc...
9. practice thinking in terms of relationships instead of things. maybe you didn't notice, but chances are you are only reading this thread because @nosilverv started it đź‘‘

(relationships > things is general life advice that makes everything better)
11. stop reading this thread and go do the simplest next step on the shortest possible path to your Buy Now button (or you can make banana cake which is also good)
You can follow @RichDecibels.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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