Another record day on both sides in FL: Republicans took a huge chunk (56,370) out of the Dems early/absentee vote margin but the Dem lead is still huge & historic (245,912)

The race is tightening.

So how does it compare to 2016?
2/4 In 2016, Rs & Ds were about tied at this point, w/Ds gaining in EVAB.

On Election Day, Dems had a 90k lead in EVAB ballots over GOP

When those votes were tabulated, Clinton won them w/a 247k margin

But Trump won Election Day with 361k more votes & carried the state by 113k
This is a reminder that all D votes don't=Biden nor R votes=Trump but they *sort of* cancel each other out. Indies lean Biden in most polls, but by how much?

Lots of voting left.

FL's at 6.9m ballots as of this a.m. of 14.4m registered voters.

About 2.6m Rs have voted (38%; 2.8m Dems (41%) and 1.5m indies (21%)

Republicans are burning through more high-propensity voters but have far more left than Dems.

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