I cannot with people defending the people who don’t vote. We have a two party system, that’s how it is, your decision to abstain won’t do literally anything to change that, but it will hurt people
You could have great reasons for not voting you could be so disillusioned with both parties not helping you but at the end of the day it’s not about only YOU and if you can’t vote to try to help even one person idk how to explain to you that you should care about other people
Try to understand where they’re coming from?? As if the rest of us aren’t also disillusioned with the system and the parties? We vote bc federal courts and people’s rights and people’s lives depend on it. We understand, we just don’t agree
"If Trump wins I will still struggle. If Biden wins I will still struggle but other people will see a change. But I am the only one that matters so why bother." Why am I supposed to be understanding of that? Lots of people are in the same boat and still care about others
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