Most religious or religion driven organisations, countries only care for religion as a concept & fiercely protect it because it helps them control people. They don’t actually care for or protect the people of that religion. Same is true of Politicians who mix religion & politics.
Till people continue to give more importance to religion than social values, Governance, science, human rights & common sense, they will continue to be exploited & controlled by religion based states, religious orgs, God men and politicians. This is true for all religions.
Look at the wealth accumulated by religious states/orgs across faiths. Oil riches in the Arab world, The Vatican treasury, the gold in temples, etc compare that to suffering, hunger, poverty of people of those faiths and then ask yourself - who & what is all that money used for?
The amount of power, money, respect, loyalty, subservience you have provided to these religious states, orgs, God men & politicians; how much of that has come back to help you in any tangible way? Haven’t all the tangible benefits been cornered only by these middlemen of faith?
Look at the humble dwellings & modest means by which most religious followers live. Now compare that to the palaces, creature comforts enjoyed by these so called keepers of faith. Who is paying for their luxurious? You. Who is giving them unchecked power to control you? You.
This tweet by former PM of Malaysia proves the points I am making in the thread above. None of these religious fanatics, God men, politicians using religion will ever pay a price for their crimes. It will always be the common followers of the faith.
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