. @ravencoin $RVN #ravencoin #ipfs
1) #bitcoin emerged from the wreckage of the ‘08 financial crisis. I’m going to tell you a story about something else that emerged from the ‘08 financial crisis. A patriotic American named @PatrickByrne had been engaged in
2)a slog with Wall Street since ‘05 where he discovered some fraud and mischief that was destabilizing the foundation of the markets. He met with The Senate Judiciary Committee and was given a letter of protection by @SenArlenSpecter w/ the directive to seek out the deep systemic
3)corruption infiltrating the federal government. It was at that moment he knew his life’s goal would be to expose the criminal corruption that was a cancer on our country’s financial infrastructure. He would pay a very heavy price for this burden over the following years.
4)Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan when describing ‘08 financial crisis said it was a failure of the settlement system that seized. This is where the mischief and fraud @PatrickByrne had identified was happening. And, the genesis of a concept for a blockchain based market.
5)This is where @tZERO blockchain based security token trading platform, @BSTXLLC a regulated national exchange for trading security tokens(think NYSE of tokens), and @Ravencoin a universal decentralized ledger of assets (think #bitcoin with assets at the protocol layer) come in
6)This revolutionary disruptive new system will eliminate the friction points that have enabled the fraud and corruption to destabilize our current legacy financial architecture. To achieve this goal you need a public ledger of assets that disintermediates the @The_DTCC.
7)All of these projects were pushed like a boulder up a hill by a man named @PatrickByrne with the help of people like @tronblack and @brucefenton This is only but one small part of the story.
8)Years from now when people talk about #bitcoin being born from the ‘08 financial crisis, they’ll also talk about @Ravencoin being the solution to the broken settlement system that failed during that crisis as well.
You can follow @MythologicalWh1.
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