Headline Irish news today...

Pertinent points from the below:
- Current trials in showing ‘statistically significant’ results in 3 different Covid wards.
- field trials with front line workers in 8 weeks time
- deals with manufacturers in China in the pipeline

Some maths on the testing, using an easily relatable concept - Premier League Football Clubs.

Assuming current rapid tests cost c. £100. On average 1700 staff & players are tested per week. Cost of testing for the next 40 weeks - £6.8m

#DVRG Solution - 1700 #MicrotoxBT - £136,000
8 packs of replaceable chips per person - £136,000
1 scanning unit per team (20) at £30k per scanning unit ( @gjbrandon pls correct if wrong ballpark). £600,000
Total - £1,008,000. A saving of 85%.

Cruise ships - 5000 people on a ship. 14 day cruise, 10 stops, test whenever someone gets back on the boat. 10 tests. 10 rapid PCR tests cost £1000 - £5m for the ship. the #MicrotoxBT + 2 chip packs costs £100. 30 scanners at £30k each - £900k. Total £1.4m. A saving of 70%.

One would assume the cruise ships would pay for the scanners - so rapid PCR tests would have to be in the ball park of £10 to even compare on a cost basis. This is on top of the #MicrotoxBT being un-invasive, easy to administer and can be done in your own time.

Given that this is only the #MicrotoxBT, and does not include what I believe to be the most valuable #DVRG asset, the MicrotoxPD (pathogen detection in waste water). The potential revenues here are staggering for just a couple of industries alone.

The fully integrated solution that #DVRG are working on, both above and below ground, and with a digital health pass, is to my knowledge the best solution being developed that can go someway to enabling that.

You can follow @Lunsam96.
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