Another GRA consultation. Have we not just finished one? What lobby groups are behind this. Note or doesn’t mention “women” once.
This whole thing is because we are trying to legislate for “Gender”, which nobody can define because it’s a “subjective sense of self”. Then we are handing sex based rights to the opposite sex based on a “feeling”
ÂŁ140 quid & there is *already*provision for waiver in case of financial hardship. Already there is no face to face interview. What we need is a clinic for detransitioners and better research on long term outcomes. Not making the Gender Industrial Complex bigger. More therapy!
And how will it be split? Two phases? So another opportunity for lobby groups to get things in place before a second phase?
Here are the terms of reference. Here’s that word “kind” again. An appeal to female socialisation. Of course they want to remove the diagnostic requirements. And what does “living in your acquired gender” mean? Performing sex stereotypes according to cultural norms?
Nobody is ever prosecuted for making a false stat dec. The Spousal Exit Clause is once again being framed as if a wife, usually, can stop transition. She can’t. She can however exit the marriage because the terms have significantly changes. Very important for wives of AGP males
The lobbyists want the age to be lowered. Why now? Is this timed so the outcome of the Keira Bell case and the Cass review are not out? Letting under 18’s make these momentous decisions is a medical scandal in the making
What about the impact on women? Not mentioned once. The Scots have deferred their legislation until after the next elections. So why are we referencing them here? They know it’s electoral poison. That’s why they have postponed.
What else should the government included? Are you kidding?

WOMEN! Where is the concern for WOMEN?
Also noticeable by its absence are the detransitioned women. The impact on gay youth and any mention of THERAPY to resolve gender dysphoria without lifelong medical dependence.
The Equqlity Act, in its present form is not applied because Lobby Groups routinely lie about the LAW. Funding is attached to being “trans-inclusive” in purported single sex spaces. What about the protection of Women? From men?
Jesus. Who wrote this? Sam Smith? #GenderFluid like part time Pippa /Philip Bunce?
A man for the salary and a woman for the photo gallery.
Non-binary just means you don’t adhere to sex stereotypes. You still have a sex.
Have they deliberately worded this in such a confusing manner to deter participation. I have read this multiple times and I have no idea if they are reserving the right to withhold anonymous responses. Seems like intentionally opaque language.
Present mood.
Apologies for the typos. I am very angry. 😡
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