African men need to take Western red pill content with a grain of salt. We don't have the same issues I shall list some considerations below...

A thread
1. Our black women are still salvageable
US black women are gone gents, why are we pressed? They are largely masculine, overweight, petulant, violent & dysfunctional. We in Africa still love our black women, don't let this nonsense make you think you will have it bettwr elsewhere
2. Political landscape.
African cancel culture is nowhere near as ridiculous as the West. We have most of our cultures & practices still in place. Yes, westernisation is slowly eroding these values, but we have a duty to preserve what is great & evolve what is outdated.
3. African women still want men
Don't let twitter feminists fool you, many of our women still want to be with a worthy man that will lead her & put her in her place. A lot of women who spout hate are either post wall & hateful or are going with the mob. They want men. Trust me.
4. Socio economic differences
Poverty is a big issue here. Which is why beta bucks side of hypergany is still very strong. Women still want a provider & a economically stable man & will do a lot for that situation...
We have a very differentiated situation here, there are lower LSM (Living standard measure) women & higher LSM women with different requirements. For both money is definitely a factor for LTRs, but levels of sexual access differs due to cultural & societal aspects economics play
In simple words... Money in Africa buys you education, polishes your appearance & puts you in a different cultural subgroup that makes you more attractive to women. This simply means that money will take you a lot further here, which is why Western beta bucks love it here.
5. Laws are still majorly sane
Divorce, marriage, common law, alimony & child support are NOWHERE near as crazy as they are in the West. Such a large population of men here are dead beats & haven't seen much smoke for it, we live in a totally dofferent judicial climate
The only court where feminist bullshit has tainted is the court of public opinion which in Africa doesn't do too much unless you're a celeb or public figure. Yes, situations vary but are nowhere near as bad as US.
6. African women are USEFUL
Our women can cook, clean, mother children, be respectable & feminine & also hold their own. Yes there are slay queens & ho's & entittled women, but the same ones are cooking & cleaning for gents at university student residences.
Not only are our women more capable, they are more willing to comply...
7. Feminism here is still largely in the 1st or 2nd wave. Depending where you are in the continent feminism is still about allowing women to vote, drive, work & go to schools. Women still want equality, they have MOSTLY not yet lost their minds
There are a few westernised liberal anomalies like Namibia, S.A etc where feminists are busy spouting crap, but a large percent of them are just female blackpillers who have either experienced trauma from men or can't get the men they want to commit & treat them well.
A large percent of S.A feminists would stop their shit if they could get a competent man she loves & respects who will put her in her place & inspire her to be feminine.
8. African men still get away with unearned domination

Us African men still get to thump our chests & raise our voices at our women to get them to comoly even though we haven't done shit in our lives. We are very much entittled. In many African cultures...
Males feel superior just for having balls & a dick. Many of us get to say & do as we please & our communities & society will chastise women to fall in line on our behalf. African men have it GOOD. In the west you MUST be exceptional to get a pinch of submission.
Many African dudes still get away with ordering their women around from their couch doing absolutely FUCK ALL having no higher purpose or drove simply because he thinks he's a man. Western men don't have this at all. It's an ACTUAL gynocentric society where women are heads.
We have it much better than the WEST. And although we are well in our right to be weary & cautious of our women, let us remember we are not in the land of moet redpill men. Feminism & globalisation is eating at us FOR SURE. But our situations are FAR more salvageable.
9. Our cultures still promote sexual purity in young girls & classic masculinity in boys.

Various forms of initiation, headship, tutelage & cultural institution exists to monitor the purity of young women & to instill decent principles in men, this doesn't exist in the West.
Im not saying you should throw caution to the wind or you shouldn't listen to western men, or be blue pilled. No. What I am saying is, don't allow Western men to dictate to you what you reality is, take what is relevant & rationally analyse whats not.
Make sure you understand that we can still salvage our situation but also have the nuance to realise that Western world is coming here soon enough, especially for more developed, stable & westernised countries...
To the Northern, Eastern & Western African brothers... Tighten up your game, get your 5M's & sharpen your understanding of female nature & you will be treated as a king. For us Southern guys... Get braced for the storm we're fucked. Many parts of SA are 2 steps from being the US.
All I want you gents to do is approach life from YOUR perspective, from YOUR point of view, don't let Western men set your frame. We are our own men, we definitely appreciate what they do, but we also have to figure some things out ourselves because all in all, we are DIFFERENT
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