Could people please stop accusing or insulting Kirito for something he never did by saying things like "he has a harem even though he has Asuna" or bs like this?
Kirito doesn't have the slightest physical attraction for someone other than Asuna and all he wants is to be with her
And stop saying "he should tell the girls to stop"
Why? They are friends and none of them ever tried to seduce Kirito
Imagine going to a friend of yours saying "hey stop I have a girlfriend" even though this person never confessed to you and never tried to seduce u
I know people can't accept this but Kirito would rather kiss Klein rather than any of the other girl
He's the definition of LOYAL and only the thought of hurting Asuna disgusts him
there are literally FACTS from the LN
The loyalty he feels for Asuna is imprinted in his soul
The guy even made a "promise" that he would not interact with any woman inside UW in respect of Asuna and Yui because made them worry would have devastated him
When Liena chose him as a senior he felt extremely uncomfortable
Really, STOP accusing Kirito saying bs like "he doesn't deserve Asuna"
How come? He would give HIS life for Asuna
In OS he trained his ass because the thought of loosing his memories and thus endangering his relationship with Asuna frightened him
He didn't care about his memories of Aincrad
and he cared about other people up to a certain extent...
his motivation was to protect his memories, give Asuna back her recollections and protect their relationship (and then of course stop shigemura but whatever is obvious)
and please don't pull up the"Gameverse Kirito" card
Gameverse Kirito loves Asuna and only Asuna,he doesn't love any of the other girl and the only thing that changes is the girls' approach on him because FAN SERVICE
It's a game,it's a different media and still:Kirito has no fault
you can't mention kirito gameverse (something that is not canon and by the way it makes no sense because kirito does nothing wrong, the only problem is the way girls behave with him) to throw shit on Kirito, it makes non sense.
Sorry for the long rant but I'm honestly really tired of seeing people accusing Kirito just because they failed to understand the story
Because yeah if you REALLY think that Kirito doesn't deserve Asuna, then trust me, you failed to understand the WHOLE SAO story
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