Thread of system info and fronters.
We are a complex mixed origin system, and not averse to discussing it, but with people who are curious/want to learn about different systems. Not going to try and thread about that, also because our system changes a lot, and we don't feel like editing this constantly.
We're almost all nonhumans, some of whom have prior bad experience with humans, some of whom have good/neutral experience, some who haven't run into them at all. Body is disabled, neurodiverse, white, age 27 as of the writing of this.
We don't know a lot about what various groups suffer with in this world but we will fiercely defend anyone if we see them getting shat on, we will assist people where what they not others say they need and what we are capable of intersect. We're always open to learning about more
people, more silences, more joys, more things that people need and can't get, and more ways we can help that we might not know of.
A bit late to say this but we're also rather profane, if we make friends with any who have an issue with that we will do our best to accommodate, but people have been swearing like sailors in this body for 21 years so effectiveness of that trying may vary.
Any kind of exclusionist stay away. We won't even bother to respond, we'll just block. You're not getting your "see look I told you they're bad" false vindication here so don't try. That said, all who simply lack information are always welcome to ask us, we're open about things.
Now on to the list of fronters.
The Admin: it/its. Handles technical stuff. Has no authority over anyone in system. Believes in conflict resolution, not punishment. This is meant as warning, reassurance and disclaimer all in one.
Ammonite: she/they. One big bug--no, literally. OK, sort of. OK, not really. :p
Outgoing, opinionated, highly expressive, very vocal, fiercely protective, curious, nurturing, and direct. Dark sense of humor.
Dot: he/him. Known to us first as a Numenera character Nymyyrriq made. We can roleplay, those of us who do, without drawing the characters into the system, but it still happens occasionally. Curious, reckless, easily bored, not very emotional, loves dismantling things.
Echo: pronouns vary, best to ask. Echo is a concept, the positive balancing out of a negative event that happened long before the system existed. Our communications expert. Gentle, musical, compassionate, contemplative, with a dry and subtle sense of humor.
Feather: it/its or ze/zir. Center of the Twilight Line subsystem, also a median subsystem of its own. Emotional, confused, stressed. Fierce and unpredictable, but compassionate and loyal. Obsessed with sound. Loves cetaceans and communication. Fascinated by decomposition.
Hematite: anything but it. Another of Ammonite's species. Highly vocal, blunt and sarcastic programmer. Has a very sharp, dry sense of humor. Can seem intimidating. Will back off if asked. Also secretly soft and warm but shhh, they will never admit that. :p
Iridescence: she/her. Vaguely amphibian, vaguely serpentine species not easily classified in Earth human terms. Healer and nurturer by nature. Gentle, quiet, attentive and discreet. Has a fairly complex and changing sense of humor.
Lily: same pronouns as Feather. Very like Feather. Will discuss its background on request because it will be triggering to a lot of people.
Nymyyrriq: he/hhim. Dry, quiet, level, good-natured troll who will back off if asked, helpful and accommodating. A teacher at heart. He has his own account, @nymyyrriq but will occasionally post here too.
Sentinel: any pronouns that don't indicate a gender. Member of the Twilight Line subsystem. Practical, direct, decisive, and not very emotional.
Swirl: it/its. The relay that used to help with the singletsona, programmed by Echo, became a person on accident. Fascinated by everything and loves everyone. Bubbly, outgoing, and very curious. Designed a black and white cat inworld for people to interact with there.
Tilly: he/him. Doesn't talk about his background much in public. Easily bored, easily distracted. Outgoing and very direct. Another seeming contradictory mix of fierceness and compassion. Has little tact and is also quite curious, but will back off if asked.
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