Questions for non-Pakistanis (or Pakistanis idk) cuz I’m bored :)
How many provinces are there?
What’s the official language and do you know how to say anything in it?
What’s the NEW capital city of Pakistan?
What city used to be Pakistan’s capital?
Who is the PM right now?
Name a Pakistani savoury dish
Name a sweet dish
What is this? Where is it?
What about this?
What is this called?
Name at least two events that take place during weddings
In what year (and date if you can remember) did Pakistan gain independence?
What is this and what is it famous for?
Who was the founder of Pakistan (had to go ask my mom about this one since there’s two right answers)
What is this and where is it located?
What’s the country that borders with Pakistan on the West?
What about the north?
Name a river
What’s our popular mountain called and why is famous?
Have you ever been to Pakistan, if so where?
Are you aware of the Indus Valley?
What’s our official sport? I will come for you if you say cricket.
Who are these stinky rats
Have you ever seen a Pakistani drama/ movie?
How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?
After islam, whats the next biggest religion that is practiced?
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