❀️🧡 THREAD 12

One like = one thing worth buying (for me) https://twitter.com/theorangealt/status/1316269958029078528
1. AirPods Pro β€” $250

I do all work calls through AirPods β€” being able to pace back and forth while calling is absolutely great, and I will never go back to normal staring-into-the-screen calls. Also more convenient for music than any normal earphones I had.
2. A medium-sized candle β€” $10-ish

I didn't like candles before, but I'm lighting this one often enough that it's worth it overall. Just nice to have it around for some variety. "Oh, nothing is happening, I'll light the candle then"
3. A digital piano with weighted keys (Roland FP-30) β€” $600

I couldn't play the piano before, and now I slightly can and it makes me happy. All simply thanks to having a piano around me for a year, somewhere in background.
4. A wine-tasting tour (in Ukraine tho) β€” $100

I went from "I guess dessert wines are alright but I'll never order them on my own" to "I'll drink wine with every good meal". I keep thinking about how good the wine I tasted was, and it makes all other wines better somehow.
5. Every fancy cheese I've tried β€” $300–500 throughout my life

Nowadays I can go and pick *actually interesting cheeses* and give them to people and they go "I tried something new and good today, yay"

And then they can share [cheeses] further, so the sum effect is bigger
6. A set of great children's encyclopedias/anthologies β€” maybe $200–300

An encyclopedia is like a sales call, and the thing being sold is the world itself. This sales call had better be *the best sales call you can afford*.

I had an amazing math encyclopedia β€” a hundred essays about math written for kids by professional mathematicians β€” and I loved it and spent maybe 100hr reading it and being lost in it

I also had an amazing science fiction anthology which sold me on Borges and Kafka and Bradbury
7. Netflix β€” $12/mo

Netflix has very few TV shows compared to "all the TV shows that can be torrented", but it's convenient enough β€” especially with https://www.netflixparty.com/  β€” that it's worth it anyway. Plus, my friends and family can use Netflix for free.
8. Glasses β€” like $30 + two weeks waiting time

I have alright vision, I don't use glasses often, the glasses are kinda bad and make me look like a drunken intelligentsia member. Still worth it whenever I want to watch a movie or enjoy the world in HD.
9. Cozy plush socks β€” like $10 or less

Good for warmth, good for sliding on floors, I think "oh I might not use them" and then I end up using them ALL THE TIME.
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