Things that an autistic person might struggle with on an average day, especially if they also have anxiety and depression - a thread.

Based on personal experience. Please share to raise understanding.
1. Maintaining a morning routine. Too often external factors get in the way and disrupt our often very carefully managed routine. My routine is micro-managed to the minute, to the point I obsessively watch the clock to ensure I'm not falling behind.
2. Making decisions. Little things like trying a different cereal or what socks to wear can cause a total paralysis as my brain analyses the likely outcomes of each alternative. Totally fruitless and exhausting.
3. Nervousness about upcoming social interactions. Very often I'll feel sick with worry over the potential for brief interactions with colleagues. Fed often by a strong fear based on imposter syndrome.
4. Realisation I have forgotten something vital, yet again. A combination of shame, fear and embarrassment takes hold as I try to control my reaction without melting down. Can often lead to 'giving up' and heading back home. #autism
5. Feeling separated from my safe space. I spent hours at primary school staring out of the window toward where I lived, making me feel connected to it to keep me grounded. #autism
6. Overstimulation from the noise and sights out and about. Feeling like I'm trying to find my way around a busy maze filled with music that's too loud. #autism
7. Irritation from any slight discomfort in my surroundings and clothing. Often distracting to the point of tears, feeling too hot, too cold, itchy, bothered is a terrible problem. #autism
8. Missing hyperfocused interests. Feeling so desperate to indulge in them all I can do is watch the clock until I'll be able to. Often totally distracted by it all. #autism
9. Misunderstanding and misinterpreting interactions with peers. Misjudging jokes, 'banter', sarcasm, instructions, hyperbole etc can really ruin your day and make you feel very tense. #autism
10. Struggling to make yourself heard. Wanting desperately to be listened to by peers and superiors at work but finding it impossible to join in with the rapid fire interactions. #autism
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