61. how old are you? how old do you feel?
62. do you ever feel like you want to leave the city and start a new life?
63. your all time favorite book?
64. do you deserve better?
65. what are you currently looking forward to in your life?
66. do you over think too much?
67. how do you know you're in love?
68. do you like reading?
69. is it easier to forgive or forget?
70. do you care about what people think of you?
71. do you think you'll get married someday?
72. do you ever wish you could hear other's thoughts about you?
73. song lyrics stuck in your head?
74. what's on your mind?
75. what's one thing you wish you never said?
76. what's one thing you're most grateful for today?
77. do you love yourself?
78. is there anyone who you miss being in your life?
79. do you fear the dark?
80. in one word describe your mental state right now
81. who has been on your mind the most lately?
82. what do you need right now?
83. do you talk to yourself?
84. favorite kind of whether?
85. what motivates you the most?
86. what do you do when you can't fall asleep?
87. what do you want to be remembered for?
88. are you an extrovert, introvert or both?
89. a thing that makes you immediately smile
90. what makes you immediately dislike a person?
91. what is your no. 1 goal in life?
92. is there a hidden self of you unknown to others, even your friends and family?
93. if you were someone else, would you date yourself?
94. what is the best thing that has happened to you?
95. tell me something you did today
96. define family.
97. do you believe in God?
98. beautiful lies or brutal truth?
99. who do you miss the most?
100. what are you currently scared of?
101. do you love your body?
102. the world stops for one hour and you're the only one that can move - what would you do?
103. what do you look forward to in the future?
104. do you like late night conversations?
105. what makes you nervous?
106. sun or moon? why?
107. quote a lyric from any song you like
108. do you like your name?
109. how do you deal with your emotions?
110. if you could be fluent in any language instantly, what would it be?
111. would you take the choice to live in the world you daydream about?
112. what is your best memory of last year?
113. what is stopping you from changing, ultimately?
114. if you could know one thing about the future, what would it be?
115. if you could know one thing about the past, what would it be?
116. fire or water? (as elements)
117. do you want to be famous?
118. how would you like a book/movie on your life?
119. if you could have on thing right now, anything, what would it be?
120. and finally, do you think you'll get everything you've ever wanted?
ok muting this now,, thank you everyone for literally going through 120 questions but my notifs are breaking help
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