@ShefVaidya posts this in the morning.
Me and my other fellow Trad friends flood the comments section of her post with important queries like these.
Some more comments of fellow Trad friends.
Next thing @ShefVaidya does is block all the female Trad IDs that commented on her post but doesn't block any of the male Trad IDs that commented on her post.
A screen recording of the same comments that me and my fellow Trad friends left on her post.
BJP IT Cell affiliated RW Hindu Twitter personality Ms. Shefali Vaidya ( @ShefVaidya) blocks female Trad IDs questioning the govt.'s inability to take action against the ongoing Hindu killings while she lets the male Trad IDs questioning the same stay unblocked via her FB account.
This exact plot is the same narrative that us, female Trad IDs, on FB & Twitter have been fighting against for long now. The BJP IT Cell handles, the ordinary RW Indian handles & others have been targeting male Trad IDs for 'abusing' the LW & the liberal RW handles.
Since the past few weeks, huge RW handles like @TheSquind have gone on a big spree of targeting Trad Twitter handles for using 'abuses' for merely questioning & critiquing the govt policies & societal behavior of the youth.
This is a clear ploy to defame & portray male Trad IDs on social media as 'abusive', 'sexist', 'misogynist', etc. who target women by usage of cuss words.
Will @ShefVaidya answer us why is she deliberately conspiring to act against male Trads only by blocking similar criticisms by female Trads?
Giving male Trads a bad name as 'women abusers' for merely critiquing the socio-political scene of the country while completely ignoring the female Trads who do the same. @ShefVaidya went as far as to block female Trad IDs in order to fuel the "male Trad = sexist" narrative.
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