Actually, I can’t let the appalling report on @abcnews go. To allow blaming teachers (‘teacher quality’ is code for that) for the appalling gaps in educational opportunity & outcomes in Australia to go unchallenged is beyond cynical. It plays into the problem (thread)
rather than objectively reporting the problem. Let everyone be completely clear. Australia is down around the bottom of the OECD in the percentage of public money spent on public schools. It is an outlier - like light years between us & any other country - in the amount of
Public money we give private, fee charging schools. Virtually every public school will remain funded below the MINIMUM school resource standard (the amount schools need to do their job properly) until at least 2023 while virtually every private school is already funded above it
Yet public schools enrol the vast majority (like 85% plus) of the most expensive to teach students - remote, rural, NESB, indigenous, refugee, lowest SES, students with a disability - & are expected to perform miracles with a roll of sticky tape & a ball of string. We neglect
Then, sneer at them, refuse to send our kids to them, demand ever greater largesse to already luxuriously resources fee charging schools & then starve them of the funds & support they need by Deliberate. Government. Policy. Then the federal education minister has the gall to
Blame the teachers for the inevitable growing divide between the absurdly over- supported & the desperately under- resourced! And @abcnews meekly repeats his crap. Demonstrable, easily refuted crap. I despair. I fucking despair.
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