Amy Coney Barrett; a thread
ACB is anti abortion/contraceptives, anti ACA & anti women’s rights. As a Supreme Court Justice, a lifelong position, she holds a more influential position than even the President. Regardless of how the election turns out, this woman is dangerous.
ACB is taking the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a woman who spent her entire life fighting for women’s rights, and who’s dying wish was that she wouldn’t be replaced until after the election. ACB’s being sworn in a week before the election spits in the face of RBG.
ACB will walk through every door that RBG opened for us and slam it shut. If you are not outraged, you’re not listening. If you’re not terrified, you’re not understanding. So many people’s rights are being threatened.
I am a 20 year old college student. I am not ready to have a child, and my body physically cannot support pregnancy or childbirth due to pre-existing conditions. If access to birth control/contraceptives are banned, there will be no way for me to preventing a pregnancy +
which would not only derail my life significantly, but also severely endanger my health. This means that I have, roughly, until January to find a long-term birth control or contraceptive plan in order to keep myself protected under the Republican majority Supreme Court/HoR/Senate
My rights are being threatened. So are the rights of every woman. Every person of color. Every member of the LGBTQ+ community. Every person with pre-existing conditions. Every sexual assault/rape survivor. Every person who is not a cisgender, white, heterosexual male.
In conclusion, please vote. Vote like your rights depend on it; because they do.
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