Major TWs for this thread : Calorie counting, diet culture and EDs

Hey fam,
I've been tired for a long time, unable to move and been scared because of my earlier diet. Now, the diet was pretty much okay, but, it was for a much less active person than I am currently (1/n)
So, I decided to visit a dietitian. The option I chose was one of the most popular dietitians in my area recommended by @Practo, which bolstered my confidence.
This was Mrs. Rina Datta in Kolkata (2/n)
Now, some background on me. I have had fatty liver for years and have some insulin resistance (I'm not pre-diabetic but, am genetically predisposed to it).
I was at that time eating 1500-1800 kcal a day, which is normal if I was working out at my beginner's intensity (3/n)
Since, I've incorporated weight training and CrossFit into my training, I burn close to 1000 kcal every day, and I needed to increase my calories 2000 kcal. Now, if you've struggled with food as I have, you'll know that this increase is a fuckton of work. (4/n)
Mrs. Rina Datta suggested a diet that came around 1500 kcal, and meal-replacement shakes from Herb@l1fe. Now, Herb@l1fe, the mlm is pretty popular in India, it's prohibitedly expensive and is sold as high protein (5/n)
Several patients report diarrhoea that continues for days and abdominal pain that lasts for months (Source - earlier paper)
In 2009, products were found to be contaminated by B.subtilis (in the pharma industry this is offensive)  (7/n)
She also recommended I cut out anything white, including salt (using black salt as a replacement), maida and other things. If you've been around pro-ana communities, this is a popular tactic there (8/n)
Now, the clincher, remember my conditions, I went there for increasing my calories but, she restricted it more. (9/n)
At this point I was catatonic, I couldn't sit straight. I haven't been able to get out of bed for a month straight because though I knew everything, every dietitian I went to cut my calories (10/n)
And this person gave me something that cut my calories AND complicated my liver disease (I already take anti-depressants, it's dangerous) (11/n)
I don't have anything against anyone, I've seen hundreds of people buying into MLMs and destroying their life's savings. These are mostly homemakers desperately trying to save against all problems (12/n)
And again, I'm okay with buying Tupperware and Wonderchef products from them, they're great products and I can use them easily.

Herb@l1fe is not one of this, it's scary, they're selling to vulnerable communities and promoting a non-sustainable health life (13/n)
Mrs. Rina Datta isn't a poor housewife, she's a dietitian, and as a medical professional she shouldn't be doing this. That's pretty much it, she should be asking questions about us and not recommending products without research (14/n)
Also, as an addendum, I tried to publish this in Practo because I'm not an unreasonable person, but, they just said I couldn't.
This might've been automatic, but for a health resource I'd prefer a more moderated version which doesn't recommend these things (15/15)
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