If making an income is "selling out" then yes. I don't particularly want to be homeless, thanks bud. https://twitter.com/Bsim110/status/1321335320013467648
The entire idea of having my site is having a place where I'm not censored and it even has a community forum built into it so YOU won't be censored if you join it.

But expanding reach involves being on social media platforms and if I can monetize that, hell yeah I'm doing it.
To be completely forthright about my finances, I was laid off in mid September due to Covid cutbacks in our budget.

I have a place where I accept donations and a Subscribestar, but I don't like repeatedly asking for contributions on that, so I don't do it often.
As of right now, I am generating enough income to get by and am optimistic about the potential for growth in time, but I'm not making a ton of money or anything, not even close. That's okay. That's part of the process.
If you're going to watch an ad on YouTube ANYWAYS and if I can tweak a few things and receive part of that ad revenue, why the hell wouldn't I do it?

If that's selling out, so be it. That's capitalism, baby. I'm just playing the game.
The whole idea is putting what is acceptable on diff platform & having my site where say & share whatever I want.

Do you have a job that pays you money to do it?

Wow, such a sellout.

I have a chance to do what I love for a living & I'm going for it. https://twitter.com/Bsim110/status/1321340971682992129?s=20
And not that it matters, but up until mid September I did everything on here and on my site for free and PAID for equipment, web hosting, etc. to do it!

While working another job, by the way.

Because I love it!

Fuck off with your self-righteousness.
I will NEVER stop talking about what I want to talk about and I will NEVER stop challenging the face of the media, social media, etc. as a whole.



But one step at a time is all I can take, right?

This is a step.

Sorry for the rant.
Now seems as good a time as any lmao, but if you would like to chip in a dollar or two to the cause or subscribe to my Subscribestar, you can do so at the link below.

You are greatly, greatly appreciated more than you know. https://www.somebitchtoldme.com/donate 
You can follow @SomeBitchIKnow.
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