I'd like to point out—and reminding people that Unus Annus wasn't JUST Mark's project.

It wasn't JUST Ethan's project, either.
Unus Annus is something new. Something different. And I might as well said it because I haven't seen people doing some things like this before: Unus Annus is one of a kind.
I get and I understand your point about not "whining" about Unus Annus' death. I really do. But honestly, can we expect Mark to make a vlogging channel and upload vlogs every single day? Can we expect Ethan to drink pee for a living?
No. We cannot.
The point of the whole channel is to cherish every single moment that you have. To not let any single second take away for granted. By justifying and saying like "oh, it's just a project, there's still a lot to come" then YOU MISSED THE POINT.
It means that you took Unus Annus for granted. It means that you've wasted your life, seeing something that you liked, but you never even committed to it. It means that from all the choices of the path of your life that's available for you, you're just keep waiting for something.
This thread wasn't made to attack anyone in general. I just wanted to point things out.
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