#AtmanirbharMarketing - A thread 🧵

आत्मनिर्भर marketing | ಸ್ವಯಂ ಅವಲಂಬಿತ marketing | சுய சார்பு marketing | స్వీయ ఆధారిత marketing | আত্মনির্ভর marketing

We at @sendxio believe that you don't need a bigger Ads budget but you need to be doing #AtmanirbharMarketing.
This is thread is about why #AtmanirbharMarketing is the need of the hour.

The Hindi word आत्मनिर्भर translates to Self-reliant in English.

So, #AtmanirbharMarketing translates to "Self-reliant Marketing"

Let's get in the details as to why that is more important than ever:
1/ If you’re currently relying 100% on Facebook Ads and Organic Search for your marketing, this is for you

2/ Most businesses today are relying completely on external platforms for their marketing. Which is a very shaky ground.

Historically, every external platform follows a never-ending pattern.
3/ I keep reading news about Facebook deleting Facebook pages of brands. And even Google changing their algorithm and legit pages losing their search visibility overnight.
4/ The bait and switch practice of external platforms:

* Attract users
* Make reach dead simple
* Start selling ads for reach
* Becomes a bidding marketplace
* Turns into a never ending race for marketers
5/ This is why brands today should focus aggressively on bringing people from these external platforms to their own platforms. Platforms like Email, Web Push, and SMS being the most popular.
6/ Ensuring that your marketing stops relying on the whims and fancies of external platforms and starts becoming self-reliant by “owning” its audience is the only way to sustainably grow in the long term.
7/ Once you truly build your own audience, you’re basically guaranteed to be able to reach your target customers for cheap. Even if Facebook bans your ad account.
Build your own audience with things like:

* Building an email list
* Collecting web push contacts
* Asking for permissions to contact via SMS
8/ "72% of people cited email as their preferred medium for receiving promotional content. Only 17% cited social media as their preferred medium.” - According to an email marketing report from 2013.
So if you’re thinking email as a medium for communication is dead, you’re probably losing out on a major channel where people actually want to hear from you!
9/ Here are the @substack newsletters growth curves of @cltledger and @lennysan that have grown into massive lists overtime. A huge indicator that people are increasingly preferring to read their favorite content directly in their inbox.
10/ Even the rapidly growing eCommerce Industry is fueled by channels like email and web push for their growth. @klaviyo email marketing for eCommerce picked up $150M in Series B last year.
Companies like @amazon, @levis and @starbucks store leverage emails quite heavily to interact with their target audience and get more sales.
11/ Anyone can now own their traffic. And they can create beautiful, personal and hyper-targeted communications via the various tools out there at a very little cost.
12/ You OWN your traffic by not completely relying on any external platform for bringing you, customers. This is where you are standing on solid grounds and have built an #AtmanirbharMarketing muscle.
13/ Of course, I’m not saying that business shouldn’t leverage these platforms for their marketing at all. In fact, this is thread itself is on Twitter.
What I’m saying is that building your own audience should be the highest priority for any marketing team. And all the actions on other platforms should be done with that goal in mind.
14/ You don’t build your business by renting space in somebody else’s house. You build it by building your own space so that your audience actually becomes a core part of you and your brand.
And doing #AtmanirbharMarketing by building your own audience is the only way to do that.

If you have to take away anything from this thread it is this:

"You don't need a bigger Ads budget but you need to be doing #AtmanirbharMarketing."
P.S - We have written a detailed Thought Leadership column on #AtmanirbharMarketing in the upcoming #Tech30 magazine that will be launched by @YourStoryCo @SharmaShradha in the next few days at #TechSparks2020

Do give it a read!
You can follow @mayank25may.
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