I know this may seem a bit random but I'm making this to say that my dms are open in case anyone needs it. Regardless if it's a casual talk or venting, I'm there for you. Even if you think talking will do nothing, a little can go a long way.
I care for y'all and wish y'all the best, but I won't force you to talk to me. Do what you want at your own pace, I'm just letting you know my door is open if you feel inclined to take it. It may not mean much sometimes, but I'd like to believe people know I'm there just in case
I'm making this thread because I want people to know that doors are there if they need it, even if they don't seem em. Also because I'm not going to force people to talk to me, again do things at your own pace.

Just know I don't mind it, I'm always open if you need it
Okay, that's all for now, I love y'all, stay safe!!
You can follow @phloyden.
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