#RoswellNM fans, I wanted to share some joy. During the first weeks of March, I was tossing and turning over how the industry shutdown was hurting the Roswell fam. Our season wrapped, but usually our crew members work on pilots or films between seasons to support their families.
So I started a fundraiser. With help from @Sautterdays and @jesafreeney, we designed and sold shirts and other merch inspired by the show’s message. 👽 Roswell 👏 fans 👏 showed 👏 up 👽. We raised nearly $100k from sales and donations.
We were able to help people with rent, medical bills, materials/tech needed for home schooling and distance learning, groceries, costs of quarantining from family. EVERYONE who applied for help got it. The crew is now back to work full time, and we still had money left over.
In a time of urgent need, I didn’t want to let that money sit in an account. I spent some time thinking about the message of the show. The individual causes that each character, each cast member, and I stand for. (This inspired the RNM votes thread I posted the other day.)
So I’d like to share with you a portion of of my most recent email to the cast (I email a lot 😂😂) which reveals what I decided to do in honor of the aliens - real and fictional - I love so much. THANK YOU FANS, for buying t-shirts and totes and donating. We love you. ❤️👽❤️
They say in times of despair to “look for the helpers.” Ever since I started working in TV, I never have to look far. Never doubt the power of fans with good intentions.
For everyone giving me shit for raising funds from fans instead of just paying myself — I shouldn’t have to defend myself, but FYI I DID pay the salaries of multiple members of the support staff when the studio delayed our start, out of my pocket.
First time showrunners don’t make THAT much money 😂😂😂
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