Very big breaking news:
This order is amazingly specific. This is precisely the kind of order, from Judge Sullivan, that we need to force USPS to do their fucking jobs, to undo the election sabotage of Trump and DeJoy
Here's what Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered

By 9AM on 10/28, in other words THIS MORNING, USPS must issue a 1 page notice to Area Vice Presidents, Managers of Operations Support, and anyone else who got the old logistics memo saying, basically, "fuck that noise"
By 9AM tomorrow (10/29) morning, USPS must issue a 1 page memo, or deliver a stand up talk to ALL USPS PERSONNEL who have job duties related to late and extra trips saying, essentially, "that old sabotage directive from DeJoy? Fuck that noise"
By 9AM tomorrow (10/29) morning, USPS must put together and distribute a list of ballot deadlines to USPS employees so they know when they need to get ballots delivered by.
The Judge is also going to keep close tabs on USPS, he's ordering them to produce, by 10AM each day, the late and extra trips that happened the preceding day:
And, every day, at 3PM, the judge is going to hold a teleconference with the parties.
blocking people who think i'm somehow unfamiliar with how federal courts enforce their orders and the concept of federal marshals
A federal judge has ordered USPS to do something by 9AM. At 3PM, USPS is going to have to sign onto a zoom with that judge and tell him whether they did it or not.

How do judges make anyone do anything? Ultimately, people with guns.
It's called "contempt of court"

The judge can order armed agents of the state (federal marshals) to go apprehend whoever the fuck at USPS, and haul their ass into court. He can hold them in contempt and throw them in a cell.
If you're asking, essentially, whether democracy has completely broken down?

The answer is "not yet it hasn't"

DeJoy ignored the Court's order last time, they didn't take all steps necessary to undo the damage they caused. So, this judge is telling them what they have to do
step-by-fucking-step. This is exactly the kind of order we want to see. Why? Because this is exactly the kind of order federal judges issue before they start holding people in contempt.
Should the Postmaster General be trying to rig the election? No, of course not.

Should USPS have followed the courts injunction weeks ago? Yes, of course it should have.

Should the Judge have to issue this kind of close-management, very specific order to get USPS to act? No
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