why winner is not underrated, a thread

강승윤, 송민호, 김진우, 이승훈
mino, jinu, seungyoon, seunghoon
i am sick and tired of seeing comments and tweets about winner not being popular, not getting the recognition it deserves blah blah blah
i am a korean living in korea, and people love winner here. so u’ve just heard of them, or they’re not as famous internationally, doesnt mean they’re “underrated”
so other idols have a lot of stans. people rave about them, buy all their albums. winner of course has a lot of stans too, but they’re a different type of idol as well. people in korea call them “대중돌”
people arent actively “stans” but they like winner, always listens to their music, and appreciate them. winner has a reputation of always producing good music. “믿듣위” means just that. people believe in winner to produce good music, and they are all listeners.
so what if winner doesnt have a huge fan base. winner’s core fans are very tight, put-together, and also super duper nice. seriously one of the most nicest fan base out there. also people in korea, even those who has no interest in idols know each member of winner.
this is a really difficult thing for a boy group to achieve, but winner is that publicly famous. people know them, appreciate them, love them, listens to their music. they are literally “well-known.”
i think winner’s fans are all very mature, so u don’t see the typical fans
thats why people think they’re underrated, but they are truly appreciated by korean people. of course i want my boys to get even more recognition, but they’re already really famous here. even tho yg does a shitshow of promoting them, they ALWAYS get number 1 on music charts.
I’m not trying to gate keep here, but k pop is literally korean pop. korean people know who winner is, what their top songs are, their members. winner is NOT underrated, under appreciated, not popular or some shit. they are a successful group, and I’m sure they’ll grow further
if u really want to support winner, don’t say ‘underrated kings’ or smth, just appreciate their music. winner is very proud of their self-produced music, and is an artist. just give them love
saying winner is underrated annoys me so much cus it seems like they’re down grading winner’s success and achievements, when they’re just ignorant
anyways, mino comeback #도망가 coming up!!!!!! don’t forget to listennn
1. 대중돌 = general public + idol : idols who everybody loves
2. 믿듣위 = 믿고 듣는 위너 : trust and listen winner (basically it means winner’s music is always guaranteed to be good)
i made a new thread called, "how famous is winner in korea?" if ur curious, go check that out! <3
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