If you support Mogai tou support

- Ableism
- Using neurodivergent people as a cover (most of them are neurotypical)
- Cis het people trying to be LGBT
- The appropriation of Xenogenders and Neopronouns
- Right wing conspiracies
- bi/pan lesbians/gays
- clearly supporting radfem and terf ideologies/ rhetoric
- identities that align with real people aka factkin
- identities based on oppressive figures (h*lter, antisemitism, ect)
- and sexual identities that bastardize real sexual orientations and identities-
Examples being maps/ pedos, zoos/zoosexuals, ect ect

This community is so fucking harmful to the LGBT as they're most likely will take 4 chan ideas and hoaxes and make them real things.

I'm tired of seeing pro-mogai people

Xenogenders and neopronouns are not mogai
I also forgot that ACE/ARO people are not mogai either

mogai are literally just a ploy/ front made by trolls and 4 chan
I WILL MAKE THIS CLEAR: I support xenogenders, neopronouns, and ace/aro people!

I have been xenogender before, I have ace and xenogender friends, I'd never talk down or bad about any of them at all

This thread is specifically about the horrors in MOGAI not xeno, aces, ect
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