So apparently, it's believed that Awulian migrated from Bahr-el-Ghazal! Alakiir had two brothers (Akei & Juach, I believe) who were quite handsome but troublesome. They'd date girls & reject them etc. So, they were to be attacked but a good Samaritan told them to migrate! #SSOT🇸🇸
That night, they left to cross the Nile. Alakiir (like Moses) stood in the middle of the Nile & said "Nä yë wëër dë päküërdä kë yïn ïc kü cö wëtämëthcïë cö tëk kü xën bë döng!" That "if you're my grandparents' river , then open up & let my brothers pass but I'll remain!
A path was created across River Nile and the brothers passed then it swallowed Alakiir! Thereafter, she became celebrated for saving her brothers' lives and every 1st daughter is named after her. Almost every household from my clan and section of Awulian has an "Alakiir"🥰
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