I’ve spent 4-5 years studying it and learning from people who know more about it than me. A lot of it has to do with Epstein, Roy Cohn and the history of organized crime in America and globally. You piece it together from reading old articles and watching public events. https://twitter.com/dwntwnt/status/1321264663154360320
Organized crime took over the country a long time ago and has been maneuvering us towards right now ever since. It was all “hiding in plan sight” but since their hooks are into the media and politicians no one bothered to tell us. Trump and his crew emerge from this world.
There used to be really quality journalism about this stuff decades ago but journalism is all but dead now. There are massive penalties for trying to tell people about it. Look at what happened to gawker which did real journalism on Epstein.
I started with Epstein and VIP pedophilia stuff, which was a sign that something was seriously wrong with our larger country and world, and went out in time and space. I still have a link map I used to track it all before it got too dense to track. It’s really, really bad.
But there’s absolutely a hierarchy to this stuff. Mitch McConnell works for the crime network and is a big player but he’s not at the top. Same with Trump. Epstein is closer to the top but is not the kingpin. To be honest, I have no idea who is. gets fuzzier the higher up you go
It’s a transnational crime syndicate masquerading as governments, it controls huge political movements like the international nationalist movement taking over the west. I don’t know what the end goal is, but they’re pure evil and human life (millions) means nothing to them.
Whatever it is, I think it’s trying to take over the world. I think it’s trying to destroy (not conquer) the United States by inciting a civil war. There’s some sort of big plan but I don’t know what it is. Whatever it is, it’s not good for us.
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