OK. we’re back. 🤗 Some are ecstatic...others 🙄...and a few.... 😫 (but they just blame me because I am talking about their choice to to be self important and maliciously strike at my person...figuratively and one or two quite literal.
I’ll have to add my mugshot soon @NYPDShea @NYPD25Pct when I download all the misadventures of what it means for the #NYPD to know YOU. KNOW YOU ARE THE MOST BENIGN PERSON ON EARTH...no one was hurt in any way, shape, or form...just the few the proud bad 🍎 ruining the bunch...
It’s going to be a quite a story when I verify a few finer points of the law(s) surrounding the #situation (the true #rights of a #processor server (even one who ran amuck and literally called me “trash” as he threw a petition to the ground instead of handing it to me...
For a debt that had been LITERALLY SETTLED....so what was he even doing at my apt?!? Honestly it was terrifying for this person yelling at me and telling me on the video intercom that I needed to let him in because “I wouldn’t want MY neighbors to see what TRASH I am...”
As I told him to leave [the paperwork I could read on the video as knew was settled 🤷🏻‍♂️] in the vestibule by the downstairs intercom and LEAVE my building...it was TERRIFYING to watch him run in the behind a tenant...and head UP! I was terrified..I have #PTSD from @MountSinaiNYC
And...and there is much more..I am a #gay man and the #corrections officer at the city lock up (Officer De La Cruz) called me a “cocksucker” more than once! it was #disgusting #deporable you have brown skin sir (I WOULD NEVER) But I certainly can’t call you 😱 you can’t DO THAT!
@NYPDShea #wtf there is SO MUCH MORE TO SAY! (I’m not even being incredulous for the sake of trying to look the lesser evil - no criminal record Essentially in 38 years...not embarrassed..not particularly sorry...CAUSE I DID LITERALLY NOTHING.)🔥🔥🔥
@NYPDShea REAL HUMAN RIGHTS ARE BEING GROSSLY AND EGREGIOUSLY VIOLATED AND IM SURE IN THIS VERY MOMENT CURRENTLY BEING VIOLATED. (Health and safety / ability to contact ANYONE in the outside world!! / Disrespect of other #humans in so many forms) I’m ashamed of you.
But I will add this..there were a few real standout performances of #kindness, #fair and #respectful treatment, and officers who truly (for lack of better words) #cared and used their “power” responsibily w/ CARE. Those officers know who they are..I made it a point to thank them
I invite the @nytimes to go blow up these assholes who arent here to bring honor to their badges...and respect to those who they pledged to serve and protect. They want a free lunch and fear in our eyes...unless you are #scratchingtheirback or filling their piggy bank... #oink
Im sad...who do you trust if you can’t trust the ones who are their to make sure we follow laws? I’m not really a protestor...I’m just not that guy...but I will do my part...I will honor the GREAT accidental (on her part) sacrifice of #BreonnaTaylor by speaking b/c I have a VOICE
And I feel very much like I need to put @NYPD25Pct #captainhenning ‘s name on this #thread too...for the #cheers and #JEERS! I encountered a lot of family faces that long 30 hour day...from Hell. #captainhenning 🤯 @NYPDShea so much of this precinct needs oversight. 🤯🤯🤯
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