Feeling a bit sad and nostalgic this evening. During the 2016 US election my dad was still in his own home. We used to talk every night on the phone. 1/
He thought Trump was a joke and Secretary Clinton was the best person for the job. We discussed the October surprises. The "pussy" tape, the "emails" we were so convinced the US was going to get a female president. 2/
We spoke into the early hours of the next day after the election. I went to work on no sleep. I remember ringing my dad when Trump won & we both cried for the US & the world. 3/
In those 4 short years since that day, my beloved Pops was diagnosed with dementia & Alzhiemers. He went to live in a residential home and as most of you know he died last month. 4/
There are many things I miss about my dad.
The way his eyes almost shut when he smiled because he was so happy (a trait I have inherited, see my profile pic)
The fact he always kissed my forehead to say hello & goodbye.
How much he adored his granddaighters. 5/
What I miss most about this extraordinary man who I had the honour of calling my dad is hearing him call politicians all the names under the sun. 6/
His passion for righting wrongs & being a champion for the voiceless. His utter passion for a better life for his children & grandchildren. 7/
His swearing about Johnson, his foul language about trump. (The apple did not fall far from the tree) but the biggest thing I will miss about him & what I will always cherish is his compassion. 8/
He would have given you his last pound if he thought you needed it more. He taught us that no matter where you come from, who you love, what is the colour of your skin, you deserve respect. 9/
"You don't know what someone has gone through until you walk a mile in their shoes" was one of my earliest lessons in life. 10/
So Pops, I am going to watch the election for you and with you, fecking hell Biden had better win!!!!!
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