The scary thing about the possibility of Roe being challenged - is that even if you're against abortion - Roe isn't entirely about abortion.
Roe recognized for the first time the inherit right to privacy that we take for granted today.
The way SCOTUS came to the decision that abortion should be protected, is based on a right to privacy that isn't explicitly spelled out in the constitution, but implied. And based on that right to privacy and self autonomy, abortion rights are derived.

Roe wasn't *JUST* about abortion. That was the front-and-center application, sure. And that is an EXTREMELY important aspect. But it also ushered in a way of thinking about privacy and the rights of self-determination for the individual balanced against the interest of state.

Attacking Roe isn't just about attacking abortion. It's about attacking the very idea of self-autonomy, self-determination, and the privacy to exercise both without undo influence from the government.

That should concern EVERYONE. Because this is about HUMAN rights.

It's not about "abortion rights" or "women's rights". These are human rights. And the same self-autonomy and right to privacy I enjoy that was borne from that decision, is the same self-autonomy and right to privacy my partner enjoys should she have to make that decision.
Abortion is simply one possible way that right is exercised and applied. But the right to make that decision for one's self, based on one's own values and needs at the time - is a very very basic human right. One that should be protected and celebrated at all costs.
and if you try to make the argument about "well what about the child fetus baby jeebus!?!?!?!" then you don't actually understand what you're fighting for/against - because that's addressed. Very clearly, very concisely, and very well.
You may not like how some people choose to exercise their self autonomy and privacy, but at the end of the day - it's still heir right. You don't have to like it any more than you have to like the fact some people think mayo is a spice.

Not your problem, stay in your lane.
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